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Hospital: Restoring Your Health Points​

In the dangerous world of Rails Network Mobsters, getting injured is an occupational hazard. Whether you’ve been shot during a heist or failed an Organized Crime, the hospital is the place to restore your health and get back in the game.

How the Hospital Works​

The hospital is your go-to spot for healing and recovery. Here's how you can use it to restore your health points (HP):

Healing Process​

  1. Check-In: Anytime you’re injured, head to the hospital to start your recovery process.
  2. Healing Rate: Every minute you spend in the hospital will heal your HP by 15 points.
  3. Flexible Stay: You can check in and out of the hospital as needed, staying for as long or as short a time as you want to fully recover.

Example Scenario​

Imagine you’re Frankie "The Fox" Falcone, and you’ve just been shot during a failed Organized Crime attempt. Your HP is dangerously low, and you need to recover quickly to avoid becoming an easy target for rivals.

Checking In You rush to the nearest hospital and check in. The medical staff immediately starts treating your injuries, and you begin to see your HP climb.

Healing Process Every minute you spend in the hospital, your HP increases by 15 points. You keep an eye on your health meter, watching it slowly but surely return to a safer level.

Flexible Stay After a few minutes, you’ve regained enough HP to feel confident about leaving. You check out of the hospital, ready to get back to your criminal activities with renewed vigor.

Benefits of the Hospital​

  • Quick Recovery: Rapidly restore your HP to get back into action.
  • Flexible Options: Stay as long as needed to fully heal or just get a quick boost.
  • Strategic Healing: Use the hospital strategically to ensure you’re always at peak performance for your next big heist or confrontation.


In the high-stakes world of Rails Network Mobsters, staying healthy is crucial. The hospital provides a quick and efficient way to restore your HP, ensuring you’re always ready for whatever comes your way. Don’t let injuries slow you down—check into the hospital, heal up, and get back to dominating the streets.